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You are viewing Cheat Codes for World Series Of Poker

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Game Name : World Series Of Poker
System : Playstation 2
Date Added : 2006-12-24 23:55:03
Views : 24399

Collector Chips
To receive all the Collector Chips in the game, you must do a variety of tasks.

Unlockable:How to Unlock:
All In & Win Hold'emGo all in and win a hand before the flop in hold'em.
All In & Win Hold'em 2Go all in and win a hand after the flop, but before the turn, in hold'em.
All In & Win Hold'em 3Go all in and win a hand after the turn, but before the river, in hold'em.
All In & Win OmahaGo all in and win a hand before the flop in Omaha.
All In & Win Omaha 2Go all in and win a hand after the flop, but before the turn, in Omaha.
All In & Win Omaha 3Go all in and win a hand after the turn, but before the river, in Omaha.
All In & Win Omaha 4Go all in a win a hand after the river in Omaha.
Poker Hands - FlushWin a hand with a flush.
Poker Hands - Four of a KindWin a hand with a four of a kind.
Poker Hands - Full HouseWin a hand with a full house.
Poker Hands - PairWin a hand with a pair.
Poker Hands - Royal FlushWin a hand with a royal flush.
Poker Hands - StraightWin a hand with a straight.
Poker Hands - Straight FlushWin a hand with a straight flush.
Poker Hands - Three of a KindWin a hand with a three of a kind.
Poker Hands - Two PairWin a hand with two pair.
Single Hand Takedowns - Three PlayersKnock three players out of a tournament in one hand.
Single Hand Takedowns - Two PlayersKnock two players out of a tournament in one hand.
Total Takedowns - 100 PlayersKnock 100 players out during your career.
Total Takedowns - 1000 PlayersKnock 1000 players out during your career.
Total Takedowns - 25 PlayersKnock 25 players out during your career.
Total Takedowns - 250 PlayersKnock 250 players out during your career.
Total Takedowns - 50 PlayersKnock 50 players out during your career.
Total Takedowns - 500 PlayersKnock 500 players out during your career.
Tournament Takedowns - Fifteen PlayersKnock fifteen players out of a tournament.
Tournament Takedowns - Five PlayersKnock five players out of a tournament.
Tournament Takedowns - Ten PlayersKnock ten players out of a tournament.
Tournament Takedowns - Twenty PlayersKnock twenty players out of a tournament.

Unlocking the pros in Edit Player mode
The following pros are available in Edit Player mode by doing the following:

Unlockable:How to Unlock:
Beth FischmanKnock Beth Fischman out of a WSOP event
Carrie LewKnock Carrie Lew out of a WSOP event
Chip JettKnock Chip Jett out of a WSOP event
Chris "Jesus" FergusonKnock Chris Ferguson out of a WSOP event
Darrel DickenKnock Darrel Dicken out of a WSOP event
Dennis WatermanKnock Dennis Waterman out of a WSOP event
Edward MoncadaKnock Edward Moncada out of a WSOP event
Jim MeehanKnock Jim Meehan out of a WSOP event
John PhanKnock John Phan out of a WSOP event
Max PescatoriKnock Max Pescatori out of a WSOP event
Men "The Master" NguyenKnock Men Nguyen out of a WSOP event
Scotty NguyenKnock Scotty Nguyen out of a WSOP event

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